25 May 2014

Chicken and Waffles

I've been waffling on repeating/paraphrasing a statement here that I've made elsewhere, but in light of a few previous entries regarding my state of mind, I feel like at least a little housekeeping is in order. So, here's a lovely little bulleted list in which I break my cardinal rule about my weblogs and speak of things I intend to do. Fair warning, I'm mixing the heavy stuff with the light-hearted stuff, so apologies in advance for any dissonance. 

  • My mental state of late has not been well. It hasn't been well for some time. I had a wake-up call, and I'm now getting the help I need. I am being treated for depression. I'm not suicidal, I'm not violent, and I'm not so emotionally drained that I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning. I'm just sad and tired. That's not trying to diminish the problem, mine or anyone else's, only to alleviate anyone's fears. I am fine. 
  • Art has been my coping mechanism for a number of years, and my motivation and output has diminished. This was part of my wake-up call. I still fully intend to make as much art as I possibly can, hence my most recent pieces. It's simply difficult as I get my priorities in order. Expect a drop in quality is all I'm saying (not that it was ever terribly high). 
  • I'm going to start making my own iced coffee. I've got a grinder and some nice roast of a rather geeky variety on the way, so I'll be posting some tutorials and experiments in the near future. The only coffee I've made myself has been of the crystalline variety, and that's simply been terrible, absolutely terrible. 
  • I've been absolutely hooked on Strikers 1945, a classic SHMUP from Psykio. I absolutely adore games of this genre, and this one is practically perfect. 
  • Also, Soldier Blade is a classic. The weapons and power-ups system is pure genius. 
  • May has been a very busy month for going to the movies. 
  • Pinterest is awesome. 
  • I was hoping to take advantage of an upgrade offer to get a new phone that would get me out of my contract early, but unfortunately it requires trading in my old phone, which would only credit me four dollars (to go towards my ETF for my other carrier). Looks like I'll be waiting a bit longer on that one. 
Good night, and good luck. 

13 May 2014

Abyss Tract

This is the other scrap of paper I was trying to use up. 

The Last Nerve

Part of a quick-n-dirty project to get rid of these two scraps of watercolor paper I'd made backgrounds on but never found any projects for. 

11 May 2014

Mass of the Dark Lords

Full description on my DevART page. This took a very long time to put together, and not simply for the sake of letting the green tea dry. I've been having a lot of motivational issues lately, and this was my way of trying to push through them and get back into more of a habit. 

04 May 2014

Moth Leaf Light HD

Found this pretty little guy under my mailbox when I was stepping out for coffee. I'd never seen a green one before, so I assumed maybe it was freshly hatched, hence its mobility issues. I learned later from my friend who runs DorkStitch by way of an article link that this is a Luna Moth. They live for about a week and the males have no mouth. They're also nocturnal. Given that, it's more than likely this poor thing was on its way out, though he was upright and on his feet when I got back. 

Moths used to terrify me as a kid; they were big and had fur, which simply seemed "wrong" in my mind. You have to admit, seeing these gnarled, twig-like legs poking out from soft fuzzy cotton is eerie and odd. Now, especially ones like this with those feathery antennae and wing-tails, I think they're beautiful. 

Trying a Facebook Embed Code

Post by Lady Sariel.

This is also my current wallpaper :)